Monday, June 28, 2021

10 Thaats In Indian Classical Music

Hi everyone. How are you all? I hope you are all very well. Many of you have called me and done WhatsApp. Requested to discuss various issues. I am very glad that you all have responded so well to my posts. Today I will discuss with you one of the topics that you asked me to discuss. In the previous part that we discussed "Shruti". I learned how important it is to use shruti when singing. In this part we'll talk about "Thaat" today. I hope you enjoy this part too. This part will be very helpful for you.

When we learn "Raag", we must first know the "Thaat". We use full 12 notes with suddho komal and teevra swar. But in fact the note is 7. E.g  Saa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha and Ni. 10 combinations have been made by applying suddha swar, komal swar and teevra swar in these 7 swars. These 10 combinations are called "Thaat". Thaats are not sung in hindustani classical music. But to sing any "Raag" it is very important to know the information of "Thaat". "Thaat" is the structure of "Raag". A "Raag" is created based on a "Thaat". There are no Aarohan Aborohan in "Thaat". This "Thaat" is made up of a combination of 7 notes. That means in "Thaats" that always use 7 notes.

There are 10 "Thaats" in Hindustani classical music. That means, there are 10 combinations of 7 notes. The names of these 10 "Thaats" are respectively - Bilabal, Kalyan, Khamaj, Bhairav, Purvi, Marwa, Kaafi, Asabari, Bhairavi and Todi. Now I will tell you the combination of each of these "Thaats".


7 suddho swars are used in "bilabal" thaat. That means Saa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni. Only teevra Ma is used in "Kalyan" thaat. All other are used suddho swars. That means Saa  Re, Ga, Ma (teevra), Pa, Dha, Ni. In "Khamaj" thaat, komal Ni is used only. All other are used suddho swars. That means Saa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni (komal). In "Bhairab" thaat, komal Re and komal Dha are used. All other are used suddho swars. That means Saa, Re (komal), Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha (komal), Ni. Komal Re, komal Dha and teevra Maa are used in "Purvi" thaat. All other are used suddho swars. That means Saa, Re (komal), Ga, Ma (teevra), Pa, Dha (komal), Ni. Komal Re and teevra Ma are used in "Marwa" thaat. All other are used suddho swars. That means Saa, Re (komal), Ga, Ma (teevra), Pa, Dha, Ni. Komal Ga and komal Ni are used in "Kaafi" thaat. All other are used suddho swars. That means Saa, Re, Ga (komal), Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni (komal). Komal Ga, komal Dha and komal Ni are used in "Asabari" thaat. All other are used suddho swars. That means Saa, Re, Ga (komal), Ma, Pa, Dha (komal), Ni (komal). 4 komal swars are used in "Bhairavi" thaat. Komal Re, komal Ga, komal Dha and komal Ni. That means Saa, Re (komal), Ga (komal), Ma, Pa, Dha (komal), Ni (komal). Komal Re, komal Ga, komal Dha and teevra Ma are used in "Todi" thaat. That means Saa, Re (komal), Ga (komal), Ma (teevra), Pa, Dha (komal), Ni.

Today I introduced you to 10 thaats. This is where I will finish this part. If there is any difficulty in understanding somewhere, you must let me know in the comment box. I will try to answer all your questions. If you like my posts, follow this page and share it with all your friends. I will bring you a new part very soon. Everyone will be fine and stay healthy. Thank you all very much.


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