Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How To Improve Voice Quality

Hi everyone. How are you all? I hope you are very well. In the previous part that I discussed 10 Thaats. You understood how the swar of those 10 Thaats is arranged. When a raag is sung in Hindusthani classical music, then that raag is ofcourse linked with one of these 10 thaats. I hope you all understand the previous part well. In this new part that I will discuss with you today, how to maintain the voice of our song. I hope this part will be very helpful for you and everyone will love this part. So I request you to read fully this part till end.

Most of the people who come to me from all over the world to learn music are women. The singing scale of boys is different from that of girls. Boys usually sing on these scales - C sharp, D, D sharp and sometimes in Natural C. But the girls scale is completely different. Such as B flat, B, A and sometimes G sharp. Occasionally there are exceptions. But without that exception, there are such these scales for boys and girls. Pitch selection is very important for singing and learning songs. This time I will tell you how we can maintain the voice of our song in a beautiful way.


The first point is that every singers should say talk very little. We need to talk very little to maintain our voice. We know that physics has 3 parts. E.g - Quality, Intensity and Pitch. A while ago I talked about the pitch. I have discussed quality with you before. In order to increase the tonal quality of the voice, it is first necessary to practice this through manual tanpura. In that case Electronics Tanpura should not be allowed at all. I will say at the second Point, dinner should be finished between 6:30 and 7 in the evening. Because of this we have no chance of getting acidity. Then if you get hungry late at night, then you should eat some dry food. You should not eat any cooked food in the evening after 7 PM. At the third point I must be say, we need to drink enough water. At least 4 liters to 5 liters of water should be consumed throughout the day. Following it will keep our stomach clean. I will say at the last point, the less spicy food is eaten, the better and and the more vegetables you eat, the better.

An important factor in maintaining our voice is to keep these in mind. One thing we must always remember, if we want to be a good singer, it is very important to maintain our voice. In order to maintain this voice, we have to follow these things. I will finish this part here today. I hope this part will be very helpful for everyone. If there is any difficulty in understanding, please let me know in the comment box. I will definitely try to answer all your questions. If you like these posts, please share them with your friends. I will bring the next part for you very soon. You will all be very well and healthy. Thank you all very much.


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