Friday, June 25, 2021


Hellow everyone. How are you all? I hope you are all very well. Today I came up with a new part for you. You can see by looking at the title above, what I'm going to discuss today. The previous part that I discussed was how we should control our breathing while singing or practicing. Today I will discuss what we need to do to make our songs better. Today I will give you some tips on this topic. Read the whole part with your mind. I hope you like this part.

1First of all, every music student should listen to all kinds of songs. Music of all artists must be listen & listen a lot. Maybe you don't like an artist's song. But one of the  voice modulation of this artist's can be very good and you can apply that for your own songs. In this way, each artist has been able to adopt his own entity in the gawaki of his song. Listening to different types of songs is therefore very important to improve one's singing skills.

2The second thing is, we must first understand the songs we are listening to, or practicing. Why we're doing that practice. There is a reason behind everything we do during practice. We need to know and understand that reason. Then we will get a different kind of encouragement from the mind while doing that practice. Classical learning means singing knowingly, understandingly. When our teacher gives us a practice, we need to know that the practice will improve which place of our voice. Similarly when listening to a song we need to understand the song that how use the modulation of voice is happening.

3Thirdly, while practicing or singing, we have to gradually create a singing style of our own so that people will understand that the voice is yours. But in that case we have to keep in mind that we should not imitate the type of song of any artist. Our style of singing should be unique. In this way we have to create an individuality of songs.

4. We have to remember the whole lyrics during the song. If we remember the lyrics of the song very well, then it will be very useful to express the meaning of the song in our voice. This expression of song is a very important thing, through which we can understand the real meaning of the song very well. But when we look at a song and sing it, our full expression does not appear in the song.

5. In the last point I will say is that when you sing a song, you have to do it on the origina l scale of the song, there is no such thing. When a song is made, it is made like an artist in mind and his voice. Your voice may not match the voice of that artist. The scale of that artist and your scale may be different. You have to keep in mind that the scale that you are comfortable with, the scale that you should choose on this. It will not change the form of the song. Rather your song will come with that much more feeling.


Today I am finishing part 11 here. I hope this part will be very helpful for you. If you like my posts, please share them with your friends. If you have trouble understanding somewhere, let me know in the comments box. I will bring the next part for you very soon. You will all be well and healthy. Thank you all very much.

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